Altair is still in progress

Sorry for the long time we have been not publishing any info of Altair. Please know we are still working on Altair for making it one of the best VB OS ever... Keep waiting!


  1. Can't wait for Altair... (:

    How will the next version be? The one after Altair... *O*

  2. Well i am pretty confused.. What will really be the Altair design?!

    First i see this photo (at the title of the website) so i saw the video but the website but then the website changed and is still using this pic... ???!!!##$

  3. Porque lo llamas "OS"(Opearting System) sino lo es, es una aplicación pero no un sistema operativo; no llames a algo lo que no es.

    1. If you read it again you can see "VB OS", and since it has it own apps (Nebula, Media Player, autentication method, etc and all that into it's own desktop (in the case 4 desktops) it can yes be considered an OS made in VB <<. So since the name is VB OS and not only OS it is right...
      It seems that Altair will even have an own Generic File Tree or something like and if it does... wow incredible

    2. That's a desktop envinorment, not an OS, you just can make an os in vb using CosmOS.

  4. Im pro65832, Im the one who offered to be Philippines Translator, am I in the team?

    1. Yes you are, the website will be updated soon with the new team members

    2. Welcome :)

  5. Pro65832: Can I also make apps?

  6. Tengo una pregunta, porque tomarse tantas molestias en hacer un SO virtual, traducirlo etc. Tiene realmente alguna utilidad este programa, ya que yo también estoy desarrollando uno pero me he dado cuenta de que al no ser un SO ensamblado no tiene realmente ninguna función fuera de lo normal. Un saludo,

    Espero tu respuesta.
