Send us your apps!

You know, there is something coming... We won't say yet what it is, but today we have news about it:

Do you have an app that only a few people know? Do you want it to be known?. From today, we are receiving the source code of your apps. For the next 2 weeks until December 15 you can send your source code to We will be replying you in a few hours...

- You must send us the Visual Basic solution file and its directory in a .rar or .zip file, along with your name/nickname and contact details (If you want them to be published).
- We won't ever publish the source code of you app.
- We may modify the UI (User interface) of your app, such as background color, window borders and title bar. But the code and general design of your app won't be modified without your permission.
- We will give you ALL the credit you deserve by your app. Your name/nickname and e-mail will be published for people that would want to contact you.

After the launch of 'B' we will be still receiving apps for an indefinite period. Those apps will be published in next updates...


  1. Am i getting credit for this wonderful idea?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I considering the idea. If you want to check out my blog paste this in to the url bar:
    (The upload on the website is an older version because my newest doesn't have a working logon(It's also a VB OS, you inspired me when I saw Antares))

    1. I downloaded it and it doesn't have any .exe... Please fix it. And I advise you to upload a video on YouTube of your OS and put a link to your blog... You will receive more visits :)
